Ice Cream Sandwich on the Nexus S 4G 8

I’ve made a quick video of Ice Cream Sandwich on the Nexus S 4G and wanted to share with everyone what I’ve experienced running it for the past 24 hours. Almost everything works on it, I haven’t had a chance to check blue tooth or 4G on it but just about everything else is “A” okay. ...

Beautiful themed Facebook App for Android 4

This is a social application that allows you to access your Facebook page. It has been heavily themed.There are six versions that I have made. Red, blue, green, pink, purple, and gold The application has a black background and different color text depending on which app you have purchased It is in the market. The ...

Are you a Howard Stern and Android fan? 7

If you are a SUPER fan of Howard Stern and Android Like I am then the Sirius App is great free app to grab from the Android Market (There is a $12.95 monthly subscription fee for Sirius Satellite Radio)   Babaooey! If you’re a Super Fan of Howard Stern, Android devices and are on the run….  grab the app and find ...
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