Beautiful themed Facebook App for Android

This is a social application that allows you to access your Facebook page. It has been heavily themed.There are six versions that I have made. Red, blue, green, pink, purple, and gold

The application has a black background and different color text depending on which app you have purchased

It is in the market. The application has been heavily optimized and runs faster and smoother than the original application. Go to the paid apps in social or search for SOCIALIZE or just click the links above each new color version in pictures

Please Let me know what you think and if you have any questions or problems

Pictures and Links to marke(click on name of color for links to the market

Pink (click on color for link to market) 

  • Joana Galhardo

    hmmm, i kinda like it..

  • Publius

    haha, very cute

  • Elias

    I like it!

  • Josh

    This looks like a great app! My girlfriend just downloaded it after me showing her the pics you have here.

    Keep up the good work!