Galaxy S4 AOSP Edition Launching at Google I/O? 1

android jellybean

The rumor mills are hard at work on the eve of Google I/O, latest rumors suggesting that Samsung & Google will be launching the Samsung Galaxy S4 Google (AOSP) edition at Google I/O. Yes, Samsung Galaxy S4 running stock Android saying goodbye to Samsung TocuhWiz. A lot of people prefer stock Android to manufacturer skins like Sense, TouchWiz, MotoBlur etc.

Even though this would be great news but our take on the story is a bit different. It really doesn’t make sense for Samsung to launch a stock Android version of Samsung Galaxy S4. What about the extra features which are the selling point for the S4, can Google port them to AOSP and will Samsung allow it, what about the proprietary libraries which OEM’s never release and hackers have to work around them or is Samsung trying to be more developer friendly and feeling threatened by companies like Sony & Oppo (which are more developer friendly as compared to Samsung)?

Have the beans been spilled, will the “Next Big Thing” be the “a Big Thing” at Google I/O? All these questions should be answered a few hours later when Google I/O starts tomorrow.

Source:- geek via phandroid

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