FBI Can Remotely Activate the Microphone on your Android Device and Listen In 1


Now this is really disturbing, the FBI can remotely activate the microphone on your Android device and listen as well as record your conversations. They can also do the same to your laptop as well and of course you won’t know about it because it’s “Above your Paygrade”. The revelation was made by an ex FBI official. Google has not come out with any statements regarding this and we are pretty sure they never will and if they do they won’t accept it.

A group in FBI known as “Remote Operations Unit” is the one which develops and/or buys these backdoors (with the help of hacker) is responsible for installing this rogue software on your Android phone or laptop. Unlike the NSA, the FBI collects only “relevant data” but dude you are snooping in on me without a warrant.

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  • Dave12118

    Doesn’t bother me personally, but I can see how it would ruffle some feathers for other peeps.

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