Unofficial Alpha CyanogenMod Build Availbale for ATT HTC One

Unofficial Alpha build of CyanogenMod 10.1 is now available for the AT&T HTC One, this has to be awesome news for HTC One owners who love CyanogenMod.


The build is an early alpha and is no where near to be a daily driver but it does boot so you can play with CyanogenMod on your AT&T HTC One, of course you need an unlocked bootloader and a custom recovery installed.

Boot up to lockscreen
Touchscreen works
USB works

Sort of Working:
Most Audio

Not Working:
RIL (Voice/Data)
Bluetooth crashes constantly at this moment in time
Capacitive Lights & many other things.

Download links and instructions can be found here. Let us know how it feels if you give it a try.

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